The Outback Navigation Information System (ONIS) includes an integrated Speed Alert system to assist the driver in managing vehicle speed.
When using the OziExplorer navigation app, the Speed Alert system:
The round Speed Alert symbol in the left menu bar will display the km/h current setting value and if selected, will display the Speed Alert setting menu.
Selecting the digital speed display will set the Speed Alert to the the current vehicle speed.
e.g if the vehicle is traveling at 33 km/h, the Speed Alert will be se to 40km/h.
Long pressing on the digital speed display will set the Speed Alert to the maximum value (100 or 110 km/h depending on the configuration) and toggle the Adaptive mode on / off (if purchased).
Left side menu Speed Alert symbol background colours:
The ONIS tools are easy to understand and use, however Geofence Speed Alert management in general can be complex and we recommend some training in this area to ensure a robust implementation.
The Geofence Speed Alert mode will alert the driver when the speed exceeds the predefined Geofence data record (N/A in Personal Mode).
The Geofence Speed Alert mode :
The Geofence Speed Alert system features either a Speed Alert message or a Speed Alarm message if the vehicle exceeds the Geofence ONIS speed limit.
User Geofence data records can be configured by using the inbuilt capture tool or using a PC connected to the ONIS, and the import/export tool. The Geofence records can be set as Alert or Alarm)
System Geofence data records are secured and only configurable by ONIS administrator (with information provided by the customer) and installed during the build process.
System Geofence data records will take precedence over User mode entries if both are found for the same current Geofence location.
We recommend only using the Geofence Speed Alarm setting for areas of critical impact to persons or equipment which can be determined by using the risk assessment process.
eg, Geofence speed limit settings in a car park frequented by pedestrians may warrant the Speed Alarm setting in preference to the Speed Alert setting.
eg, Geofence speed limit settings in a process area where vehicle impact would cause catastrophic impacts on production, may warrant the Speed Alarm setting in preference to the Speed Alert setting.
We recommend only using configuring the System Geofence data records if the data WILL NOT change for the life of the ONIS.
The driver can manually set a value lower than the Geofence to suit changed driving conditions.
The yellow ring indicates the active Geofence Speed Alert for the current location.
A yellow background for the speed limit indicates that the driver is in a Geofence area of 70 km/h.
As the driver is travelling at 75 km/h, the over speed message is displayed.
There is no ability for the driver to "SET" the speed up if the vehicle is in a Geofence area.
If the Geofence Speed Alert record has been configured as an Alarm (for critical ares), then this message will block the whole screen with the exception of the vehicle speed.
The image above indicates a vehicle speed of 22 km/h with a Speed Alarm setting of 20 km/h. All other map information and user selections are hidden in the background behind the alarm message.
The above PC map image displays Geofence Speed Alerts on a Gas Pipeline easement in North Western Australia.
To illustrate the concept, we have used Waypoints with 60km/h speed limits for each of the Geofence Geohash 7 quadrants.
The most accurate speed alerts are location based (eg. Geofence), however for locations that do not have a Geofence record, the ONIS Adaptive mode can be another option.
The ONIS Adaptive mode automatically sets the Speed Alert to a predefined setting when the vehicle speed is between +/-3 km/h of the predefined setting for 5 seconds (approx.) and the vehicle is within the pre-set acceleration limits.
Predefined speed settings are 10, 20, 30 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 or 110 km/h
The algorithm used to set the Adaptive mode also uses vehicle acceleration and deceleration, and will only set the new Speed Alert value when these are also within the predefined limits (+/- 2 m/s2).
If the current vehicle Speed Alert is set to 60 km/h, and the driver steadily and continuously increases the vehicle speed to 110 km/h, the Speed Alert setting will automatically and ONLY change to 110 km/h after 5 seconds at 110 km/h.
The Adaptive mode:
A good use of the Adaptive mode could be when a driver slows down to 40 km/h for construction road work. Once the vehicle is at 40 km/h (+/-3 km/h, not accelerating or decelerating) for 5 seconds, the Speed Alert will set to 40. If the driver then unintentionally creeps (less than 47 km/h) over the Speed Alert setting, the driver will receive an Alert waning.
We recommend limiting the use of the Adaptive mode to regional and remote driving as city driving with the continuous stop / start driving, will may to many unwanted alerts.
If the vehicle speed is within the parameters for an updated Speed Alert setting, a message will flash briefly on the screen.
The ONIS User mode is the simplest mode and allows the user to set Speed Alerts that will remain set until another value is set.
Predefined speed settings are 10, 20, 30 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 or 110 km/h
The User mode:
The driver can set the values, tolerance,mode or audio alert method.
A white background with a value for the speed limit indicates that the User mode enabled.
As the driver is travelling at 29 km/h in a 50 km/h Speed Alert limit, the condition is normal.
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